Current sensing or measurement is required for revenue generation or feedback control mechanism or monitoring. Current can be measured by a Hall Sensor with Flux concentrator logic, Shunt logic, Current Transformer or Rogowski Coil. Modules are integrated assemblies incorporating flux concentrators, Shunts, Hall Sensors, Temperature sensors, CAN and IOT.
Current sensing is widely used in industries like EV/HEV, Renewable Energy, Aerospace, Defense, Medical, Safety, Energy meters.
Flux Concentrator
These are soft ferromagnetic core featuring superior material characteristics such as high linearity and very low hysteresis.
The core is designed for high-speed contact less current sensing in combination with a magnetic field sensor, i.e., Hall sensor, and a current conductor. Furthermore the core protects the sensor from parasitic magnetic fields caused by nearby conductors or other magnetic field sources.
These parts are a stack of lamination. This stacks can be die-stacked & auto-stack.They can be made in customer specific thicknesses by using different no. of lamination.
SHUNT is precision element for the energy meter which works in all kinds of electrical meter as power measure.
The Manganin Shunt resistor is used as a key part of the measuring device inside the electronic ammeter
The EBW type shunt gives precise measurement. It also helps to save cost of the production process and material
Flux Concentrator
A current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of alternating electric current for energy meter. Current transformers, together with voltage (or potential) transformers (VT or PT), are known as instrument transformers. When current in a circuit is too high to apply directly to measuring instruments, a current transformer produces a reduced current accurately proportional to the current in the circuit, which can be conveniently connected to measuring and recording instruments.
A current transformer isolates the measuring instruments from what may be very high voltage in the monitored circuit. Current transformers are commonly used in metering and protective relays in the electrical power industry.
The “clamp-on” current sensors are particularly useful for easy and safe installation. They are installed straightforwardly onto a wire going into the electrical load without the need to do any high voltage electrical work. The current sensor consists of a Melexis Hall Sensor (MLX91208) and a patented ferromagnetic structure packaged in a robust plastic housing.
This non-invasive current sensor (also known as a “split core” or “cable-clamp” ) can be clamped around the supply line of any electrical load to tell you how much current is passing through it. It monitors the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor and outputs a voltage proportional to the current.